Факультет иностранных языков

Department of English for the Humanities

The Department of English for the Humanities is one of the oldest University departments.  It was founded in the mid-1930s and back then was a part of the Faculty of History. Besides History students, it taught English to Law, Economics and Philosophy students.

Nowadays the Department of English for the Humanities is an integral part of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies. At the department, the English language is studied not only by students, but also by post-graduates from the following faculties:

The Department staff also provide courses at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies. 

The Department staff use a wide range of materials to prepare for classes, including the use of a wide collection of books, dictionaries, original texts and films on various branches of philosophy, sociology, psychology and actual problems of political science. For non-philological faculties the department worked out English language courses for different levels and with different numbers of classes. Language course books are issued for these faculties to teach the students to use the English language for professional purposes more efficiently. 

The department constantly improves the standards of teaching to satisfy the demands posed by new situations in the educational area. 

The most popular practices among the students are: watching and discussing audio and video materials (news, documentaries and feature films), making and listening to presentations, interactive lessons. The students use a wide range of sources of information, including libraries, professional magazines and the Internet while preparing for the classes. 

The main academic fields of the department:

The Department of the English language for the Humanities does not concentrate on classes only. It organizes and participates in academic and scientific conferences, seminars and round tables in Russia and abroad. Since 2007 it has issued an annual collection of scientific and pedagogical papers written by the Departmental staff.

Head of the Department – Associate Professor Dr. Maria G. Kochetova

Контактная информация

Кафедра английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов 
адрес: Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1, стр. 51 (1 ГУМ), комната 735 (7 этаж)
телефон:  (495) 939-37-77
факс:  (495) 939-34-22
эл. почта: mkochetova@yahoo.com

Наш факультет


Факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова

119234, Россия, Москва, Ленинские горы 1, стр. 13 (IV гуманитарный корпус)

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