Faculty of Foreign Languages

About Us

Rector’s Welcome

The Faculty of Foreign Languages was founded at Moscow State University in 1988. As compared with other departments of the University, it is still very young. However, the notable creative achievements of its professors and instructors, the high level of students' and postgraduates' grounding allow me to say with confidence that the Faculty of Foreign Languages has been a success and is a worthy member in the large family of the faculties of Moscow State University.

Convincing evidence of the Faculty's successful work are, in particular, its broad international contacts and the recognition of its achievements in the university community of the world.

Russian history has assigned a special role to Moscow University, and great is its responsibility to society. A high level of professionalism, deep knowledge and readiness to serve society are expected from its alumni.

I am glad to note that the alumni of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Moscow State University meet these high criteria. The Faculty provides them with a truly university education based on the latest achievements of science – an education which is deservedly reputed to be one of the best in the world. They start their independent life as specialists with sound knowledge of their job, as creative personalities and true patriots, brought up on the glorious traditions of Moscow University.

Today, the Faculty of Foreign Languages is a united group of enthusiastic and talented instructors, devoted to their work, and students striving acknowledge. This is the basis for the successful work of the Faculty and the pledge for its future development.

V.A. Sadovnichy,
Rector of MSU.
Full Member of the RAS.

About Us

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies
Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie gory 1, Bldg. 13-14.

E-mail: dean@ffl.msu.ru